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Dog Food Company Pays $3.1 Million Settlement

Two years ago, a New York veterinarian deteremined that her client's dog died due to tainted dog food. Soon thereafter, Diamond Pet Foods recalled 20 varieties of dog and cat food. The food was contaminated by aflatoxin, which naturally results from a fungus often found on corn. (For a list of ingredients to avoid and why, go to The Dog Food Project.) Diamond admitted that its plant in South Carolina failed to do internal quality testing and agreed to pay a $3.1 million settlement toward victims' expenses, including veterinary bills. Owners whose dogs died are eligible for up to $1,000 (a laughable number considering how priceless our canine companions truly are). For more info or to make a claim, go to Diamond's Recalled Pet Food Settlement Web site.

Julia Kamysz Lane

January 4, 2008 in Current Affairs, Dogs and science, Food, Health, Legislation | Permalink


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Wow, just think of the unpublished cases of dogs who died or became ill because of this lack of commercial resposibility. It just buggs me to think of those pet food recalls that happened a year ago. Makes me wonder what guarantees do we have this time that it's safe?

Thanks for the post,

Posted by: Jolie Makes Homemade Dog Food | May 16, 2008 10:42:58 AM

The dog food manufacturers should be paying more, they make billions on feeding our pets garbage and diseased animal by products including the melanine and rat poison they allowed in their foods. They should be all drawn and quartered, and put our of business forever. They are still one year later, not changing their ingredients still products contain the four D's, diseased, disabled, dead or dying foods including cancer tumors, and by products treated with kerosene. The government has not standards here.

Posted by: Teri Salvador | Jan 16, 2008 5:12:19 PM

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