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Beagle me silly

I was tracking the Westminster Kennel Club dog show results for The Seattle Times last night—reporting on any local pups to make good. I figured I’d have to watch another terrier, poodle, or Pekingese take the big prize. I love terriers and poodles and Pekingese, but honestly I longed for a regular dog—without puffballs, or silky long hair, or a wiry muzzle to take the prize. A sturdy, short-haired Average Fido even mutts can raise a paw for. Well, I got my wish, or as close as you're likely to come in a show ring. Last night, a 15-inch beagle named Uno stepped into the celebratory bowl (literally, see this unbearably adorable photo). He’s appropriately named not just for his win, but because Uno is the first beagle to take the crown in the show's 132 year history. Snoopy would be proud.

Lisa Wogan

February 13, 2008 in Current Affairs | Permalink


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That is the cutest Beagle i have ever seen in my lifetime! I'm glad he broke a record and won!

Posted by: ThoughtsFurPaws | Feb 14, 2008 7:47:07 AM

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