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New pet-cancer guide

The College of Veterinary Medicine at Cornell University recently launched an online video guide to cancer in pets. If you're facing this diagnosis in your dog (or cat) for the first time, or have a friend in that unenviable position, I'd recommend this clear, sensitive introduction to diagnosis, detection, treatment and research.

Lisa Wogan

April 11, 2008 in Cool stuff, Dogs and science, Health, Web/Tech | Permalink


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I have bitten my dog, sort of. A stray cat was in our yard when I let my dogs out one morning. They attacked her, and in order to get them both away from her, I had to pull one dog with both hands by the collar, and drag the other, by his scruff, in my teeth!

Posted by: Seana Parker Dalton | Apr 30, 2008 7:54:35 AM

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