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Batman and Ted
I've been enjoying the dog days of August with lots of trail time with my pups, and so missed a few newspapers and some dog news including the tale of Batman. But I figure with the tribute to Edward Kennedy planned for the Democratic Convention tonight, I could link to this story about a Minneapolis dog who not only has the same kind of brain cancer as the senior senator but whose cutting-edge treatment may hold some keys to an effective treatment in people. Here's hoping for Batman's speedy recovery and Kennedy's health--and breakthroughs for humans and canines alike.
Lisa Wogan
August 25, 2008 in Dogs and science | Permalink
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Speaking of pets and brains, I also read about an artificial cat brain that was in development by the Pentagon: http://blog.wired.com/defense/2008/08/darpa-fake-brai.html
Interesting stuff. It seems out there, but it too could have some impact on human health.
Posted by: Jonathan | Aug 28, 2008 10:31:11 AM
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