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German Shepherd Dials 911, Saves Owner
Given a chance, dogs are capable of mastering extraordinary skills. Buddy the German Shepherd called 911 when his owner, Joe Stalnaker of Phoenix, had a seizure. Help quickly arrived and thankfully, he survived.
Stalnaker adopted Buddy as a puppy from Paws With A Cause so he could be trained as a Seizure Response Dog. As a dog trainer, I'm always looking for fun, new things to teach my pack of five dogs or my students' dogs. But I'll leave dialing 911 to service dogs only! What tricks can your dog do? Or what trick would you like to teach your dog?
Julia Kamysz Lane
September 16, 2008 in Cool stuff, Current Affairs, Health, Humane, media, Volunteer | Permalink
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Dale, your comments really show your ignorance.
Posted by: James | Oct 26, 2008 7:46:55 AM
So what?? It's just a trained beast. The dog could be trained to dial a pizza delivery place instead, and not know the difference. You fools are blind to the fact that operant conditioning is nothing to write home about. Dogs are so stupid, they can't even read, write, talk, or realize they've been neutered!
You dog cultists are amazed by mundane operant conditioning stunts. German Shepherds were trained by the Nazis to harrass Jews. They were used by American police to harrass Blacks inthe 60's. Dogs are blind followers. Sheesh!
Posted by: Dale | Sep 23, 2008 5:47:33 PM
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