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A $75 Million Bone

If the obstacle to pet overpopulation is money--consider that challenge handled. Orthopedic surgeon, inventor, and 346th richest American Gary Michelson will give $25 million to the brainy someone who conjures a safe, one-time non-surgical means to sterilize male and female cats and dogs. And that's not all. Michelson's non-profit Found Animals Foundation will provide an additional $50 million to support the research into plausible approaches. Michelson and others, including the Alliance for Contraception in Cats and Dogs, believe an inexpensive, convenient alternative to traditional spay and neuter is the essential missing line of attack in the battle to save millions of dogs and cats from euthanasia every year. My favorite line in the USA Today story on the program is when Michelson says, "No one will stop what they're doing and turn their attention to this problem for $10 million. That's not enough."

Lisa Wogan

October 22, 2008 in Cool stuff, Dogs and science, Humane, Science | Permalink


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Thank you for this important information. I cross posted this on my blog because I think it's important to get the word out about this.

Jaime Smith

Posted by: Jaime | Oct 23, 2008 8:05:48 AM

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